Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 4: Thursday 3/27

Day four included visits to People’s Grocery in West Oakland which provides low income residents access to healthy food choices. West Oakland is classified as a “food desert”, a place without access to fresh fruits and vegetables due to the lack of supermarkets in the city. People’s Grocery tries to fill this gap by providing access to fresh produce as well as education to residents of the local community on how to improve eating habits.

After lunch, we headed out to the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights. After a fascinating set of presentations on the Center’s work in the region, including Bay Area Police Watch and the Green Collar Jobs initiative, we were treated to an inspiring talk by Jakada Imani, executive director of the Ella Baker Center. Among the things that he emphasized, was how his job wasn’t “just a job”. Rather, along with his family, his career formed the core of his life. The lesson was one that we’ve been hearing all week: to be successfully in bringing about social change, you have to bring an uncommon level of passion, zeal, and intensity to your work.

After our visit with the folks at the Ella Baker Center we had a terrific chat with Britt Bravo, blogger, consultant, and all around super cool person. The session was designed to help us understand how we could think about careers, and how we could start implementing our ideas for social change today. We went through a brainstorming session on understanding how we could overcome the "blackholes" or obstacles in achieving our social goals and what it would take move our ideas forward. The meeting sparked a discussion that continued well after our visit and led to a fresh round of ideas on nonprofits and organizations that we could start once we were back at Stanford.


Britt Bravo said...

Don't forget to keep me up to date on your project/work ideas!

Green Collar Guy said...

Dear Social Entrepreneurship in the Bay Area,
My name is Sean Keller, Associate Editor of GreenCollarEconomy.com. I recently found your site and thought that your content would be of interest to our visitors. We have placed a link to your site, along with a description, on our Links and Resources page (http://www.greencollareconomy.com/link.htm) and would appreciate if you could reciprocate by placing our link somewhere on your site.

Green Collar Economy is a site dedicated to helping businesses learn about and share ideas for going green and doing so profitably. We have a B2B directory with over 2600 green business links, daily news in 7 channels, a Green Collar Job board and channel specific forums.

If you would like to modify your site description or if you have any other cross-promotion ideas, please let me know. Thank you for your efforts in progressing the green movement. We look forward to sharing links with you and raising the visibility of our sites.

Sean Keller
Green Collar Media

http://www.greencollareconomy.com - sean@greencollarmedia.com http://www.greencollarmanufacturing.com